Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What do you think of the following theory?

I think it may be very well there is a conspiracy among the Arab oil producers to earn more money by increasing the price of crude while knowing well that there has never been a shortage of oil in theirs and the world's oil reserves. As the eruption of Mt. Saint Helen's in the 1980s have demonstrated in Lake ?, peat and coal and hence fossil fuels, is produced in a matter of months as opposed to the millions of years many have been taught to believe. Thus the oil shortage many have been made to believe from the oil companies, the press and scientists, is completely false. The Arabs know well that the Earth is not millions of years old, but no more than 10000 years old at the most. They know this because of their belief Islamic religion based in the Koran which takes its roots in the Torah (the Bible's Old Testament). They have been using people's dubious belief in evolutionary geology to fool them into paying ever higher gas prices.

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