Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Hey Sorry this may also be a long answer. BUT You Do NOT have to take being mistreated by your family. Been there done that for 47 years. Sorry to be cruel but the best thing my parents ever done was die. But then I got married and found out just how many AS******* there are in this world. My husbands Mother is even worse than my own was. And his father Likes Me I me all in the wrong way. But after reading your story I thought you were writing about me You explained my whole life in your paragraph. Talk to a School Guidance Counselor. This is abuse. They are just being mean. Maybe that is why your mum is not with your father. You are 14 you say go to the authorities and ask to live with your dad for awhile. BUT Before doing so make sure that you know the whole story about why he is not with your mum. Maybe there are other reasons behind that also. Ask some Adult you trust to help you write a letter and call a family meeting have this person be there with you and read what you have wrote about how you feel they are treating you. My own mother told me when I was 7 how much she hated me. She worked 2nd shift just so she did not have to be home when I was. She got home at 12 pm at night. And One night I was really sick I had pnemonia so I was laying on the couch and throwing up when she came in from work. I got grounded because I was sick. She said I knew I was not to be in the FRONT room when she got home. I was to be in my room. I was grounded on my wedding night. I finally wrote her a Long letter and told her just how I felt. We could not even have a Conversation in person. But I would write what I had to say to her and Leave it on her table in and Envelope. I told her if she hated me so much and did not want me around when she was there that grounding me was really useless. Because that just meant I had to be at the house 24/7 and she had to see me. She thought about what I was saying and I was married 2 weeks later. But I have Learned through experience the only reason people mistreat you IS BECAUSE they have a Miserable life also so they have to ABUSE you to make theirselves feel BETTER WHEN you QUIT Showing they have UPSET YOU They will realize they don't bother YOU they will QUIT.I KNOW IT HURTS BUT DON"T LET THEM HAVE THE PLEASURE OF ABUSING YOU. When they say your FAT, YOUR UGLY or what ever say well that NOT my fault YOU MADE ME. I just have what you gave me to work with. If they call you a ********* say well I learned from you so that must make you one also.

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