Thursday, August 18, 2011

I received a ticket for CVC 21658A (illegal lane change)?

I was driving down Mission Blvd in Hayward, CA. I had been driving down this street for approximately 15-20 mins when I met up w/ an old school Plymouth on the side of me at a stop light. still heading down Mission I end up following behind the Plymouth because the Toyota that was in front of me was driving way below the speed limit. Unfortunately, after following behind the Plymouth 3-4 blocks, I noticed that the car had a broken taillight. Both the Toyota and Plymouth thought it was a good idea to drive side by side, so I waited until there was enough room for me to get back in the left lane and get in front of the Toyota, and no one had to break. 5 mins late I look in my rear view mirror and see a police car tailgating the Plymouth, I tell the penger in my car "That cop sure is riding that cars ***" and the penger said its probably because of the tail light. As I approach the light, which was 10 mins after I changed lanes, the cop all of a sudden speeds up behind me and pulls me over. I ask why am I being pulled over he tells me "I'll tell you after you give me your license and registration" I give it to him he then replies "You were following to close before you got over" I ask him how am I being pulled over for that when he was just tailgating the other car with a broken tail light he says "you were following to close behind the car with a broken tail light so I can really get you for tail gating, and an illegal lane change" I think the ticket is completely bogus because he tailgated that car for 2 blocks, and there was only myself the toyota and the plymouth on the road, but i truly believe that I got a ticket because of my race because it makes no sense to me how he can p another car up then target me after he tailgated another car for 2-3 blocks. What grounds can I fight this on?

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